A short animation made during – and inspired by – the winter 2020. One aim of this adventure was to discover and explore the possible dialogues between the visual and the sonic. Watch the animation here.
Le carnet de l’inter-prêt
CRB and Msb met in Rome in January 2020. Their first performance – in collaboration with composer Fabio Monni and painter John Sundqvist – took place in Circo Scandinavo in CRB and MSB met in Rome in January 2020. Their…
Del buio e di altri luoghi (2017/2020) for voice, two minispeakers and tape by Fabio Monni A nocturnal visitor finds herself into a dark and unknown villa. Its walls and furniture answers back as if alive. It welcome’s her. The…
About Codex Rost
“A true treasure, so much the more notable since it is unique” – Sébastien de Brossard about the Codex Rost The Codex Rost represents one of the most important sources of European instrumental music from the 17th Century. It consists…